
Sep 14, 2012

Panhandle Playground gets a bump on the report card

When SF Parks Alliance released the Playground Report Card this week, it was encouraging to see that the Panhandle Playground got a C, an improvement from the D grade that it received in 2010.

The playground gets frequent help from park staff and from our monthly volunteer days, including last Saturday (pictured). Structural problems like holes in the rubber mats and broken play structures have been tended to by SF Rec and Park on a case-by-case basis and also during the week-long playground maintenance this past February.

While some of the nearby playgrounds such as Alamo Square have been rebuilt in recent years, others (Buena Vista, Grattan) are also stuck in the C category (see the map below). None of these three are included in the Parks Bond that San Francisco will vote on this year. The Report Card is required reading for anyone who want to learn what parents and communities can do to get their neighborhood playground on track for significant upgrade.

1 comment:

  1. I sure wish that improvements to playgrounds could be facilitated without resorting to bond issues. The City & County of San Francisco has so many set asides in it's budget that it seems to be incapable of providing basic services to it's citizens.
