
Apr 8, 2013

The fence is down! And next workday is this Saturday April 13

Our next Panhandle community workday is coming up: 

Saturday April 13
9 am - 12 noon
Meet at the bulletin board & playground (near Ashbury)

This will be our second workday in the newly established rain garden that was part of the completed capital project. The chain link fence around the project site was just removed, opening up the grassy areas and signalling an official end to the build out of the capital project. Park staff have installed a less intrusive cable fence running around just the rain garden while the plantings are getting established. We will have some weeding and additional planting to do in the rain garden. 

Plus, with your continuing support and efforts, we can continue to improve the conditions and enhance the natural environment in the central area of the Panhandle with a new area for perennials, outside the playground fence (northwest side). If you would like to see that work continue please join us next Saturday!