
Mar 14, 2015

March workday pictures from the Panhandle park

Kicking up some dust beneath the big trees
 At our March workday, volunteers made a big effort in the first half to remove eucalyptus leaves and gumnuts, and bring in a thick layer of compost fines, for an area near Fell @ Masonic.  With the healthy soil imported from the compost yard of Golden Gate Park, the grass will have a chance to resprout. Just nearby, right at the pathway, the work by the city is almost completed.

The curbcut at Masonic is complete and some work still remains to be completed by the corner
The group of volunteers was reinforced this month by families from the San Francisco Day School and had the support of Joel, the area gardening supervisor for the eastern end of Golden Gate Park. We also worked on our planted beds around the playground, spreading a thick layer of woodchips. There was also a lot of raking around some of the big eucalypus near Ashbury, and some brand new plants for the rain garden (ceanothus, mugwort, & bee plant). Guillermo wrapped up our morning with some recognition of the younger volunteers to express his appreciation for the support from the community.

At work with the heavy rakes 

 Closing circle

Mar 5, 2015

Panhandle Workday coming up Saturday, March 14

Here's something to look forward to: getting together with friends and neighbors in the light of morning, in our deeply historic neighborhood park. A sustained, three-hour physical fitness session with a balance of stretching, strength, and balancing challenges. Experiencing, the sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world in springtime. It's happening Saturday, March 14, and best of all, it's free and open to everyone!

Panhandle Community Workday
Saturday, March 14
9 am - 12 noon
Meet at the bulletin board (near Oak @ Fell) 

Our specific workplan is still to be determined, but community members typically contribute to a number of activities like raking leaves, removing weeds, spreading soil and woodchips, scraping mud from the pathways, trimming shrubs, and planting new plants.

2nd Saturday Work Days in Panhandle Park from Panhandle Productions on Vimeo.