
Sep 25, 2017

Panhandle bike path re-striped, ladder crosswalk striping added

The center stripe of the Panhandle bike path has been repainted for the first time in years. Along with the repainted yellow center line, the city has added ladder crosswalk striping at all of the locations where pathways cross the bike path.

The striping is another facet of Rec & Park's Panhandle Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project, which began late in 2016 and was put on hold during our wet winter. The prominent center stripe will make it more apparent that the north side pathway is intended for bike travel, and with the south pathway recently resurfaced, there's hope that a greater portion of pedestrian traffic will use the south path. The new crosswalks remind people on bikes to be alert to anyone who may step across their path.

Sep 9, 2017

September Workday at the Panhandle

At today's workday, volunteers focused on some care for two Queensland Kauri trees, which were planted about four years ago and have been slowly maturing (close to a more mature specimen). We removed some protective wire mesh that had been wrapped around the trees, and propped them against the wind by (carefully) installing two new posts.

Meanwhile, other volunteers removed dead stalks of the nearby cabbage tree (cordyline australis), a monster of a specimen. Families from the San Francisco Day School were also out with us today and raked up mountains of eucalyptus leaves near the playground.